“How can I prevent black triangle teeth?”
I am a 43 year old female. I want to know how can I prevent black triangle teeth?
7 Answers
Great oral hygiene. Brushing, flossing, stimudents, WaterPik all help the gingival tissues. You want to prevent gingival inflammation that could lease to periodontal disease causing gingival recession that is the cause of the black triangle.
Black triangles is a difficult situation. It is usually caused byr gum disease and recession. First you have to treat and stabilize the health of the gums. Depending on how severe it is, you can do several things:
Have a gum graft to restore the lost tissue, place veneers in the anterior area, or if minor, place some bonding. Hard to judge without seeing it.
Have a gum graft to restore the lost tissue, place veneers in the anterior area, or if minor, place some bonding. Hard to judge without seeing it.
As we age, patients often develop periodontal disease. Even in the early stages we see gums receding and black triangles develop. They can often be treated and camouflaged with bonded restorations. You should ask your dentist for options.
Unfortunately, no one can answer on your questions by the text or e-mail. It depends on the gum condition, space position of teeth, trauma, and a couple more reasons. Periodontist specialist or general dentist with orthotic treatment team work may help you to resolve your concerns.