“How can I stop the pain when I pee?”
I am a 31 year old male. I have pain when peeing. How can I stop the pain when I pee?
7 Answers
Hi there—you should have urine testing and clinical evaluation because there are many causes of painful urination in men.
Are you sexually active? My first thought of pain while peeing in a sexually active 31-year-old male, is an STD. I recommend you see a primary care physician asap.
Absolutely could be a number of things however most causes of pain with urination are due to urinary tract infections. Please go see your doctor as this will need to be diagnosed properly
If you are sexually active go get screened for sexually transmitted infection and receive treatment for you and your partner(s).
You may have a urinary infection or a kidney stone. Drink a lot of water and see a primary care doctor or urology right away. You can buy AZO over the counter for the pain or temporary relief, but you need to know why you have the pain.