Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Exercise

How can I exercise without harming my heart?

I'm 29 and I would like to go to the gym a lot more often than I do now. I go, maybe, twice a week. How can I exercise without harming my heart?

2 Answers

if you want to increase your gym visits without harming your heart, here's what you can do: Gradually increase your workout frequency, aiming for at least three to four times a week. Start with low-to-moderate intensity exercises, such as brisk walking or cycling, and gradually incorporate more challenging activities over time. Ensure you warm up properly and listen to your body's signals. If you experience any chest pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath, stop exercising and consult a healthcare professional. Remember, consistency and moderation are key to a healthy exercise routine.

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If you’re 29 years old and have no medical problems, there is no way that exercise is going to harm your heart, even if you exercise every day. If you’re not certain whether or not you are in good health, you can simply make a visit with your primary care physician and get a regular check-up.