“How soon can I go back to running after breaking a bone in my foot?”
I'm 27, and male. I broke a bone in my foot last week, and now I'm trying to recover. How soon can I go back to running?
3 Answers
Depends on the specifics of the Bone, whether or not it requires reinforcement/surgery. Physical therapy will also be a good idea because it will help to correct any poor habits that have been developed as a result of the fracture which can prevent future injuries.
Clinically healed (no pain) in 4-6 weeks, but to heal radiographically takes 3-5 months. Depends on type and location of fracture. Stress fracture needs activity modification for 6-12 weeks. You should have a follow up appointment with repeat X-rays to help guide your return to running.
Mark Burt, M.D.
Mark Burt, M.D.