Dentist Questions Oral Hygiene

How can I improve my dental hygiene?

I'm 24 years old, and I'm trying to find ways to improve my dental hygiene. Right now I brush my teeth twice a day and floss once a day. What can I do?

9 Answers

Regular yearly visits to your dental hygienist for dental cleaning will help improve dental hygiene.
Sounds like you are doing a great job! Have regular dental check-ups, too!!
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You are definitely on the right track. I can offer a couple of tips to help, however, the best advice I can give you is to make sure you visit your, dentist, regularly. At least 2 a year, more often if recommended by your dental professional.

BRUSHING TECHNIQUE: Be sure you are brushing properly use the Modifies Bass technique. Definitely brush your tongue, skip the sugar as it leads to tooth decay. Antimicrobial mouth wash is also good to use, your dentist can prescribe it to you.
That's great, but you can also use a fluoridated mouthwash and also brush your tongue.
Good job.

Dr. J
Do you floss? If not, floss your teeth well. Brush properly. Go to the library, read about flossing and do it well.
Congratulations on brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. That is a great beginning! To improve on that, I would highly recommend that you purchase a good electric toothbrush, one that sits on a charger, not a battery operated one, Such as an oral B or Sonicare. Research shows that these brushes can do up to a 95% better job than you can do with a manual brush. I would also recommend using a Water Pik once a day.
It sounds like you are on the right track. See your dentist's hygienist regularly so she or he can evaluate your homecare and advise about how you can improve.
Make sure that you see a hygienist for regular cleanings
If you are flossing and brushing correctly, that's great! Are you cleaning your tongue? You can buy a tongue cleaner or turn a teaspoon over so the round part is facing your palate. Place the spoon in the middle of your tongue as far back without gagging. Scrape your tongue gently as you move the spoon out of your mouth. You will see a slimy whitish material. THAT'S what was in the nooks and crannies of your tongue. Rinse with salt water. You are taking care of your teeth. Many people younger and older don't. Before you share that milkshake. Have you ever been asked to open your mouth before someone eats after you? Did you ever ask to look inside someone's mouth before you kiss. You can pass gum disease bacteria to each other. You taking care of your mouth can catch maybe a cold. Your body is handling any gum disease bacteria you are exposed to from an outside source. Think about people who don't take care of their teeth. The body is magnificent, but continuous mouth neglect fighting bacteria and infections elsewhere in the body, over works your body's defenses. The bacteria around your teeth and roots can ENTER your bloodstream and send bacteria all over your body. This process is slow but your brain, heart. lungs, stomach, kidneys, joints are under attack. DIABETES II, control of their blood sugar levels is affected. High blood pressure can be hard to control. Poor mouth care today affects your future health. It is great when I find someone who is taking care of THEIR mouth.