“How can you protect your teeth from bone loss?”
I am a 45 year old female. I want to know how can you protect your teeth from bone loss?
5 Answers
Proper oral hygiene, regular checkups, low carb/high fiber diet rich in antioxidants, vitamin C supplements as well as a calcium supplement.
The best defense to bone loss and periodontal disease is proper home care practices. In addition to seeing your dental professional, home care is the key. Proper brushing, flossing, and rubber tip use are critical to your defense against bone loss and gum disease.
The best way to prevent bone loss is to go regularly for cleanings and to practice good home care especially flossing. Also, replace missing teeth particularly with implants if possible.
It really is quite simple. Brush twice a day and floss thoroughly once a day and see your dentist for professional cleanings every six months. Preventive care is your best insurance to maintain good periodontal health. You should definitely have your dentist or hygienist show you how to effectively brush and floss so you do it properly.