“How can you tell the difference between heartburn and a heart attack?”
My grandfather doesn't take care of himself and it makes me really nervous. The other day, he was having bad chest pain that he said was heartburn, but to me, it could have been a heart attack. Is it possible that this moment of heartburn could be a mild heart attack instead? My grandfather is also a 74 years old.
3 Answers
Absolutely. Heartburn that does not promptly go away with an antacid is associated with pressure, or sweating, or pains that go to the neck back or arms should be promptly evaluated by a doctor.
William Z. Cohen, M.D., F. A. A. F. P.
William Z. Cohen, M.D., F. A. A. F. P.
Good question. Without having more history and objective data (for instance, is he hypertensive or Diabetic or have a history of hyperlipidemia, smoker, obesity, etc.?), I would strongly advise your grandfather to go to his PMD right away and get a full work-up. Yes, it could be heartburn or it could be angina, CAD, etc. Why chance it? Go and get the appropriate work up. The PMD will be able to refer to Cardiology or GI. In the interim, if symptoms recur, wouldn’t be a bad idea to go immediately to ER.
Yes, at that age, the risk increases, especially if he has other conditions like Hypertension, Diabetes or hyperlipidemia. Every chest pain could be attended as a heart attack visiting the ER and then when the cardiac work-up is complete and negative, then think about other differential diagnoses (heartburn, costochondritis, muscle spasm, etc.).