“How common is a tonsillectomy for children?”
My son gets sore throats frequently, and his doctor believes that he needs a tonsillectomy to relieve his symptoms. I'm a little nervous, more nervous than my son actually. Is this a common surgery in children?
4 Answers
Yes, it is common with children. Your feelings are normal but I will tell you this it is harder on mom and dad than the child. I have never heard of any child or mom or dad that died form a tonsillectomy. all of you will do great. I do wish you well, oledochouse
20% of tonsillectomies are done in children for repeated tonsil infections. Repeated tonsil infections can cause obstructive sleep apnea, Scarlett fever, rheumatic fever, ear infections, and can affect the kidneys (glumeronephritis) if neglected or improperly treated.
Most people will not require removal of tonsils, but it is a surgery that is more common in children than adults. If a child has recurrent infections or enlarged tonsils that obstructs the airway making it difficult to breathe, then surgery may be warranted. This surgery is one the most common surgeries performed by specialists who focus on the ears, nose, and throat.