“How critical is a wisdom tooth abscess infection?”
I have a wisdom tooth with an abscess. My appointment with my dentist is next week, but I've been in pain for over a few days. How critical is a wisdom tooth abscess infection?
9 Answers
Wisdom teeth infection is very serious and could even become life threatening if not properly treated.
This type of infection can quickly spread throughout the body with the circulation of blood, which will then require patient hospitalization. On the other hand, since wisdom teeth are near head and neck area, they can obstruct air way, cause brain infection, and even result in death.
People must take wisdom teeth infection very seriously and immediately seek treatment.
More explanation is available at my website page "Ask Your Dentist" https://www.atozdentalcare.com/ask-your-dentist/
When you need to have a consultation....
This type of infection can quickly spread throughout the body with the circulation of blood, which will then require patient hospitalization. On the other hand, since wisdom teeth are near head and neck area, they can obstruct air way, cause brain infection, and even result in death.
People must take wisdom teeth infection very seriously and immediately seek treatment.
More explanation is available at my website page "Ask Your Dentist" https://www.atozdentalcare.com/ask-your-dentist/
When you need to have a consultation....
A wisdom tooth abscess could be very critical. The infection could spread to your throat or sinus and cause a health emergency. If you have to wait a few days to see your dentist you should be placed on antibiotics. Antibiotics should keep the infection from spreading.
If you are in pain and have been having discomfort for this long while suspecting an abscess, immediately call your primary dentist or oral surgeon, request an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory meds. Infections are difficult to treat once it has become full blown.
If an abscess was Diagnosed you need an antibiotic even if you don’t have an appointment till next week they should’ve prescribed an antibiotic
Hello. I'm sorry to hear about your dental health problem. I my opinion, if you have been diagnosed by a dentist as having an abscess, then he has determined if an antibiotic is warranted. If your condition has gotten worse and now you have swelling and a burning feeling spreading down into your neck and you airway feels like it's closing off, then contact him immediately or go to an urgent care/ emergency facility for evaluation for possible need to get on an antibiotic ! Manage pain with 600mg Motrin/500 mg Tylenol every 8 hours on the hour ( if you are able to take those).
Only 1 person out of 25 has room for all four wisdom teeth. If you have a wisdom tooth that is bothering you, please do what your dentist suggested. Have it removed. Wisdom teeth can
can cause serious problems. If you have had braces and your teeth look great, the pressure of two teeth in the back, on top, and bottom can crowd your teeth again. The pressure of wisdom teeth can be painful. The wisdom tooth can overlap with the tooth in front of it and it can cause decay. You can lose the tooth in front of it. Infected wisdom teeth can be so infected that you can become critically ill. If you are planning to travel, go to school, etc., you don't need infected teeth problems.
can cause serious problems. If you have had braces and your teeth look great, the pressure of two teeth in the back, on top, and bottom can crowd your teeth again. The pressure of wisdom teeth can be painful. The wisdom tooth can overlap with the tooth in front of it and it can cause decay. You can lose the tooth in front of it. Infected wisdom teeth can be so infected that you can become critically ill. If you are planning to travel, go to school, etc., you don't need infected teeth problems.
Problems with wisdom teeth should not be ignored. Do you have swelling, fever, discharge? Without an examination and necessary X-rays, it's difficult to diagnose an "abscess." It may be an infection, which still needs to be addressed and treated. A true abscess, if left untreated, can be serious. If you have serious concerns, I would call your dentist and let him/her know. Perhaps they can see you sooner on an emergency basis.
Hope this helps,
Steven Chamish, DDS
Hope this helps,
Steven Chamish, DDS