Vascular Surgeon Questions Vascular Surgery

How dangerous is a blood clot in the leg?

I am a 59 year old male. I have a blood clot in my leg and I will have surgery. How dangerous is a blood clot in the leg?

7 Answers

Hi, my name is Nara. I’m a vein specialist on Dr. Wagal’s team. Blood clots in the legs can be dangerous in many ways. From obstructing healthy blood flow, to breaking free from the vein wall and traveling toward the heart and lungs, which can cause fatal embolism or other complications. Prevention is key when it comes to blood clots—maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet can all lower your risk for developing blood clots. It is important to see a vein specialist to evaluate your risk.

If you have been diagnosed with a blood clot, have a family history of blood clots, or are concerned about blood clots, we can help! We offer free vein evaluations in our clinics: to book yours, call 866-831-9522 or visit our website at
An untreated blood clot can be life threatening dangerous depending on where in the leg it is. So without knowing where it is it's a little tough to answer the question accurately.
If it is acute clot then it should be treated first with therapeutic anti coagulation . You check with your physician and there is a protocol.If it is old clot you can undergo surgery with proper prophylactic precautions
Hello. It depends where in the leg your clot is, and which vessel. Artery clots are more dangerous typically than ones in the veins. It also matters how extensive the clot is and how long ita been there.
It can be very dangerous.
Might I ask you to consider this question: How dangerous is crossing the street? Similarly, leg DVT can be innocuous or DEADLY:

-More clot in the leg can damage the leg...
-Pain, swelling, discoloration, gangrene
-Or clot breaks away an travel to the lungs causing:

-Shortness of breath
-Rapid heart rate

What is your specific risk for these events? You must seek the attention of a vascular specialist to help to:

-Assess your risk
-Lower your risk for planned surgery
-Monitor you for several months after and treat with medications if warranted by your specific risk profile!

I trust that this helps you to understand your specific situation and to seek the appropriate Professional evaluation and management of your situation.

Irwin M. Best, MD, MBA,FACS
There are several parameters to be taken in consideration like the location and extent of the clot, the interval between the onset of the clot and the proposed operation, whether it is a recurrent episode, family history of blood clots, etc.
Also the magnitude of the operation and the type of anesthesia.