Psychiatrist Questions Mood Swings

How do I detect it?

How do I know if I don't have it or if I do? Sometimes I have crazy mood swings and I can't explain them. Sometimes I'm happy and all I want to do is run around and sometimes I'm just sad and I want everyone to shut up and leave me alone.

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: It's been a really long time I can't remember
Medications: None
Conditions: I don't know never got check ups when I was young

3 Answers

I assume that you are referring to your mood swings, Intense mood swings, often not explainable are not uncommon in adolescents. However it would be advisable to consult a competent psychiatrist or psychologist for an evaluation. But beware, too many people are misdiagnosed as having bipolar disorder. If medication is recommended get a second opinion.
You are going through some things every one goes through. You need someone to talk to about things. Therapist, life coaching or friend or neighbor or family member
Take a look at this link about mood disorders:

Also consider taking Dr. Amen's Brain Type test and review the report and recommendations that is generated: