Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How do I keep my son on a healthy diet during lockdown?

My son is 12 years old. I want to make sure he is eating healthy during the quarantine. How do I keep my son on a healthy diet during lockdown?

4 Answers

I competent understand your worry. Many children have gained a lot of weight due to staying at home and decreased activity. Even if staying home you could make healthy meals and prep lab snacks. Protein such as eggs, peanut butter, cheese, tofu, meats should be in their daily diet, as well as many fresh fruits and vegetables. By avoiding sugary drinks such as juice, soda, power drinks will decrease daily caloric intake as well. Also, portion sizes are very important and not eating after 0700pm at night. Another important thing is to control their excessive electronics use and promote daily exercise, even if able to ride bike or scooter, run and play. Hope this helps!
Cook at home.
Try to keep healthy foods in the house. Don’t buy chips, cookies and other unhealthy foods you don’t want your child to eat. The more meals that are cooked at home, the better. Cooked meals tend to be healthy.
12-year-old boys are starting or amid puberty, which really increases their metabolism and therefor a voracious appetite. The pandemic has caused decreased activity in our school children do to virtual learning and less access to public areas to exercise (team sports, parks, gyms, etc) leading to decrease calories being burned. The big key is to stock the kitchen with healthy options for your son to eat- like easy to eat fruits and vegetables (carrot sticks, cut up cucumbers, apples, cuties, grapes) along with high protein snacks (tuna packets, nuts, whole grain cereals, cheese, yogurt, granola bars, etc). Keeping a routine for meals is also helpful. Make sure they have time for breakfast, so they can start school with the ability to focus. It has been shown that family meals ate around a table decrease the risk of depression and anxiety in children. Avoid easy access to sodas and juices.