Dentist Questions Dentist

How do I relieve sinus pressure in my teeth?

I am a 33 year old female and I have a sinus toothache. How do I relieve sinus pressure in my teeth?

6 Answers

Antibiotics if it is a true sinus infection.
It could be your sinus such as a sinus infection.
Over-the-counter sinus medication should work. If you need more then you will need to get a prescription from a provider.
If you have allergies, a cold or sinus infection, you may experience pain in your teeth, typically in your upper back teeth. This can be relieved by using a sinus pain reliever which acts to help clear the fluid and mucous in your sinus. It may also be helpful to breath in steam or use a netti pot. If you have a sinus infection, you may require antibiotics to clear up the infection
First recommendation is to check with your Primary Care Physician about your sinuses. You could try xylitol or saline Nasal spray. (Tip your head forward when spraying) You could try a decongestant.
Sinus pressure could be caused be exudate in the sinus which could be due to inflammation or infection you need to have it evaluated first by a dentist if there is no dental involvement then you have to see ENT specialist We would love to have you as a patient and can see you in our New York or New Jersey office if you are local you can reach us at 2013428585. Thanks