Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

How do I stop my big toe from hurting?

I am a 29 year old male and my big toe hurts. How do I stop my big toe from hurting?

5 Answers

See a podiatrist. Many things can cause that and you need to know what causes it to help heal it.
There can be many causes for toe pain. Obviously acute trauma such as a fracture would be very painful. Most commonly, however, it is lack of proper shoe wear.Make sure there’s plenty of room in the front of your shoe for your toes so that they are not squeezed. Also wearing heels can you contribute to toe pain.Sports including running or football can also be a source of pain. Regardless, if the pain is persisting, you should consult a podiatrist or orthopedic foot specialist for advice
It is likely your big toe hurts because of some early arthritis. I have this same problem as well because of sports injuries when I was young. The pain usually is at the MTP joint, or knuckle joint of the big toe. A simple solution that works for most people at your age, and that has worked for me is the use of a carbon fiber insert or turf toe plate in your shoe. It is easily interchangeable. Below are links to purchase online:


Several things can cause the painful great toe. You can have a small fracture at the small bone called seasemoids. You could have an attack of gout or bone spurs at the joint of the big toe, I will recommend you to see an orthopedic doctor to have an X-rays and examination. Meanwhile, you can try to wear hard soled shoes.
Big toe pain in a young man would probably be improper shoe wear. Make sure your shoes are wide in the front so they don't squeeze your foot. Make sure your big toe does not hit the front of your shoe. Also, if the bottom of your toe hurts when walking you may have turf toe. If this is the case, then you'll have to not bend up your big toe to keep from aggravating it.
Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose