“How do I stop worrying?”
I am a 22 year old male. I worry almost all the time about how overweight and unattractive I am. How do I stop worrying?
3 Answers
There are many online programs that could help you. In particular, programs that help you become more mindful can be of great help to you. For weight loss I understand the online program Noom has very helpful information. Once you know you can take action in these ways your worrying will decrease. It could also be of great help if you found a good therapist who was dedicated to helping you clarify the patterns that have led you to feel that you have no power to change your perceptions and your sense of powerlessness.
You will have to try psychotherapy to learn cognitive behavioural skills and use them to turn your negative anxiety provoking thoughts to more positive thoughts. Some medications would also help in conjunction with psychotherapy. Please see your doctor to get appropriate referral.