“how do i stop this ”
Female | 11 years old
Complaint duration: i don’t understand this question
Medications: fluoxetine
Conditions: Anxiety, severe depression, insomnia

3 Answers
Problem #1 is that your fluoxetine is not doing the job. It is not the greatest for treating anxiety. Talk with your doctor about buspirone as a second medication that is specifically made to treat anxiety. It can be added to the fluoxetine. If your doctor is not a child psychiatrist, then it is time to see one. They are more knowledgeable about these things and may be more comfortable with medications like buspirone or gabapentin to treat anxiety. As for what you can do.
#1 wear socks and change them at least twice a day
#2 - treat your skin on your feet with a cream for athlete's foot - this will help them heal and soften them so there is not so much to pick at
#3 - wear gloves - like winter gloves or mittens. This will serve as a reminder not to pick.
#4 - get a fidget toy or some beads on a string to fidget with when you are feeling anxious.
Hope that helps.
Dr Sangra