Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How do you fix neck kyphosis?

I am a 31 year old male and I have neck kyphosis. How do you fix neck kyphosis?

10 Answers

Specific Scientific Chiropractic Adjustment, along with c-curve rehab.
Chiropractic adjustments combined with neck traction and exercises typically work great for that issue.
This requires time and patience more than anything else. There are straight forward methods and techniques that work very well to re establish a normal cervical curve. There is more than one way to skin this cat so different practitioners will use different treatments. Find a highly recommended chiropractor in your area and get the process started.
Adjustments to the neck are great for that!
Fixing neck kyphosis requires cervical manipulation, cervical traction, cervical stretching and strengthening exercises. It usually starts gentle and builds in intensity depending on neck tolerance. It is uncomfortable due to having to stretch some cervical ligaments. It also requires frequent visits in the beginning of your treatment plan to assure your ligaments respond in the correct manner.
See a reputable chiropractor.
Do you know what's causing it? Is it from looking down at a laptop or phone for long hours? Or from a medical condition like scoliosis? Or from a muscle spasm from whiplash? That would be helpful to know in it's correction. In very general terms, stretching, neck distraction, a neck
pillow (looks like a rolled up towel), chiropractic adjustments and exercises that help restore the normal lordosis (the opposite of kyphosis) can be helpful. However too much stretching isn't recommended for someone if he has a lot of ligament laxity or strong muscle spasms. I hope this is helpful.
Hello, Neck kyphosis is usually something you have to train back to its proper position if it can be achieved at all. In other words, proper exercises over a long period of time can retrain and reshape musculature at the deepest levels. No quick fix with this. You can also check out a device called Posture Pump which is specifically designed for retraining and reshaping spinal curves in the neck. Look it up and it will explain how it works.
Adjustments, traction, and exercise.
You can fix this issue with "suboccipital muscle stretches" and "deep neck flexor strengthening." You should be able to find instructional videos on YouTube.