Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How do you know if your child has meningitis?

My daughter is 8 years old. I want to know how do you know if your child has meningitis?

5 Answers

Meningitis is a medical emergency in children. The symptoms of meningitis can be quite deceiving it can be as simple as a fever all the way to seizures and change in behviour. Any unusual symptoms should always be discussed with a pediatrician immedicately.

Symptoms are usually severe and include high fever, headaches, and neck stiffness. A spinal tap will confirm the diagnosis. Feel better
Headache, neck rigid, and painful fever changes in mentation or thinking. This is a serious condition requiring urgent medical therapy.
If you have concern, best to see pediatrician and go to an ER. Symptoms include fever poor fluid and food intake, lethargy, stiff neck irritability, seizures, muscle laxity, shock, jaundice, vomiting, rash, headache, mental confusion.
The most common signs are a high fever, headache, fatigue, and a stiff neck. Some people may have rashes. The most common cause of bacterial meningitis is Hemophilus B. If a child is receiving routine vaccinations there is one that is protective for this type of meningitis.