“How effective is turmeric to cure a ringworm infection?”
I have been suffering from a ringworm infection for the last 1 week. Someone told me applying turmeric to the affected area will not only cure the problem but also prevent it from recurring. Is it true?
17 Answers
I don't typically think of turmeric when I'm considering natural anti-fungal. My work would start in the gut with stool testing for dysbiosis and then treatment accordingly. Please feel free to reach out to my clinic if you'd like a consultation.
Tumeric has been known to help with fungal infections and control inflammation. While it is never a guarantee, depending on the severity, location, and the type of tumeric used, I have seen it to be helpful for some people.
Turmeric is a spice that contains an active constituent called curcumin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. If you're looking for this particular function, buy curcumin, not turmeric. As for ringworm, which is a fungal infection - I am familiar with the use of turmeric mixed into a paste with a little water and applied topically, but I have never done or recommended this. I guess pending on the location, size, and duration of this particular infection or lesion, it may be worth a try before turning to other OTC or prescribed antifungals. Good Luck, hope this helped!
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It is always best to get it evaluated by a practitioner to diagnose a specific condition. There are many rash and skin conditions that could appear similar. Although turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, you may need to seek dermatological advice from a doctor. From my experience, turmeric is typically very gentle and most people can consume it well. Topical pastes can be made with a little bit of water and applied to the area until it dries. Covering it may not be beneficial as ringworm is a result of a fungus and we know they grow hardily in moist environments. In my experience again, the use of oregano or tea tree oil has been beneficial - but you must use and dilute in a carrier oil and test skin patch to ensure a reaction does not occur. Please consult your physician as these comments are not intended to be a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment.
Thank you,
Dr. Franco-Chavez
It is always best to get it evaluated by a practitioner to diagnose a specific condition. There are many rash and skin conditions that could appear similar. Although turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, you may need to seek dermatological advice from a doctor. From my experience, turmeric is typically very gentle and most people can consume it well. Topical pastes can be made with a little bit of water and applied to the area until it dries. Covering it may not be beneficial as ringworm is a result of a fungus and we know they grow hardily in moist environments. In my experience again, the use of oregano or tea tree oil has been beneficial - but you must use and dilute in a carrier oil and test skin patch to ensure a reaction does not occur. Please consult your physician as these comments are not intended to be a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment.
Thank you,
Dr. Franco-Chavez
There is some research demonstrating antifungal activity of certain concentrations of turmeric oil against dermatophytes (aka ringworm) for topical application. At this point in time, I do not believe there is enough research to claim it will definitely be able to treat an infection and prevent recurrence. If you feel you need additional support in treating the ringworm infection, I advise seeing a qualified medical professional such as a Naturopathic doctor, MD, DO, etc.
Yes, turmeric is a good antifungal. If you are going to use turmeric, I suggest mixing 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric. with coconut oil and applying it to the affected area. You can also try Apple Cider Vinegar soaked on a cotton ball and applying that to the affected area three times a day. Another antifungal treatment is to mix epsom salt and warm water.
Unfortunately, This is a systemic problem and this not true. You need a thorough assessment of your immunity and other systems to properly treat. Best Regards, Dr Pushpa
Hi there!
This is a very interesting question. I have never personally tried this approach, nor do I know anyone who has, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work. To be honest, I'm not sure if it works, but turmeric is a very safe herb to work with so as long as you have no known allergies to it, it's a pretty decent option to try.
Here is some information which may be helpful for you. This site has some research on turmeric for ringworm infections as well as how to apply it and precautions for use.
This is a very interesting question. I have never personally tried this approach, nor do I know anyone who has, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work. To be honest, I'm not sure if it works, but turmeric is a very safe herb to work with so as long as you have no known allergies to it, it's a pretty decent option to try.
Here is some information which may be helpful for you. This site has some research on turmeric for ringworm infections as well as how to apply it and precautions for use.
Not! You need an Anti-Fungal not a Anti-Inflammation cure. OTC Lotrimin cream or powder mixed with 2% Hydrocortisone Ointment applied to skin 3 times daily for 7-10 days.
Actually, tumeric is quite effective for ringworm. Mix a small amount with water and apply topically (preferably with a q-tip) to the affected area. Tumeric is a great anti-fungal which is what ringworm is. As far as prevention, normally 500 mg daily is effective however, you might want to check personally with your health care practitioner as there are some conditions that tumeric shouldn't be taken on a long-term basis, such as the predisposition to kidney stones.
Turmeric is known to have anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties which could potentially help with symptoms related to ringworm. As a potential aid with healing, this will most likely work best as a poultice. Turmeric has not been shown to prevent future occurrences of ringworm.
Healing the body inside out through proper diet and plant medicine is the ultimate way to alleviating all dermatological disorders as the skin sheds consistently on a daily basis.

Lori Serra
Naturopathic Physician
Ring worm is a parasite and needs further deep cleansing! Turmeric will decrease inflammation....but will not resolve ringworm.
Lori Dubetz, ND
Lori Dubetz, ND
Ringworm is best treated using a topical anti-fungal medication. Turmeric has been shown to be an effective topical anti-fungal as well.
Dermatophytosis; ringworm is a fungal disease caused by Dermatophytes, which are fungi that grow on the skin, nails, which stimulate a cell mediated immune response that can damage the deeper tissues. Curcumin is a component of Turmeric, in the same family as ginger, having antifungal properties. Good to have in the supplement cabinet, however, topical antifungal agents are effective with treating some infections. A more wide spread infection may require oral agents.