Dentist Questions Dentist

How long after root canal do you get a crown?

I am a 41 year old male. I want to know how long after root canal do you get a crown?

6 Answers

As soon as possible, one or two weeks if you can...when it is fully asymptomatic (no pain at all).
Provided there are no symptoms.
Sooner is better, normally within 4 weeks though.
Immediately. If not then no longer than one month
Ideally, you should get a crown within 1-4 weeks after getting a root canal. However, many factors can affect the timing. Generally speaking, as soon as possible is best.
Ideally, a tooth that has had a root canal should be crowned as soon as the postoperative pain has resolved, which is usually between 1-2 weeks. If the tooth has a temporary filling, it may be more vulnerable to fracture or reinfection. Best not to wait longer than 2 months to get the crown after the root canal to avoid these possible complications.