Otolaryngology | Facial Plastic Surgery Questions Facelift Surgery

How long does a facelift last?

I'm 37 years old and I want to get a facelift done. How long do the effects of a facelift last?

14 Answers

Hello, all surgeries should be permanent. However, we cannot stop aging, therefore, we just it comes to a full facelift, it should last 15 years. However, based on your age, I’m assuming you do not need a facelift, and may need something less drastic, such as FaceTite, which is the latest laser tightening machine for the face and neck. You may also benefit from fillers, and other lasers such as Morpheus. You can visit my website at DrRoya.com for further information.
A good facelift will last 10-12 years
A facelift usually lasts 8-10 years in most.
It sounds like you are a candidate for a mini facelift. My favorite technique is called MACS mini facelift and it has the advantage of a shorter recovery time and less extensive scarring. Lifestyle and skin care affect the longevity of any facelift operation, but generally speaking, this procedure lasts 7 to 10 years.
Good luck.
The length of success absolutely depends on the extent of surgery. Small surgery produces poor, short-lived results. Over the years, to increase longevity, I have expanded the procedure in the face and neck to rely exclusively on revamping all the deep collapsed and fallen tissues beneath the skin. This has been durable for approximately ten to 15 years (more in young patients).
This can vary depending on a patient's deformity and the nature of the facelift. There are many varied techniques that have different levels of benefit that can impact the length of the results.
A typical face lift can last 10-15 years depending on your skin structures under the skin and techniques your surgeon is using. Best to see a board certified plastic surgeon who is well versed with facelifts.
An appropriate facelift typically will last 5-7 years without need to retouch.
10 to 15 years depending on the type is surgery, your skin health and how you prepare yourself for the surgery and how to take care of it afterwards.
It will last as long as you take care of it,
The facelift generally lasts 5-10 years, but some people need a touchup as early as 2 years. If you had a twin that did not have surgery when you did, you would generally look younger for a lifetime.
A facelift typically lasts 5-10 years depending on the tissue qualities of the patient, the type of surgery that was performed, and factors such as smoking and sun exposure which affect the result achieved and the longevity of the procedure.
A face lift, in one sense lasts for a lifetime but it does not stop aging. When the last stitch goes in, you start all over again. You can’t stop the clock and everyone ages differently. You have to think of a face lift as a resetting of your clock. If you want to “stop the clock” you will have to have regular touch up procedures and with each you will look more and more artificially tight. Remember that tight is not young. Teenagers do not have tight faces. At your age you would be far better served with Botox and fillers, I suspect.
Be careful!

Dr. Mes
A good facelift should last 8-10 years. The younger the patient, the longer it will last.

Hope this helps.