“How long does it take for a damaged nerve to heal?”
I am a 37 year old male and a few months ago a dentist accidentally injected lidocaine into my nerve during a routine dental procedure. I have been in pain ever since. How long does it take for a damaged nerve to heal from local anesthesia?
4 Answers
Unfortunatelly it can happen anyone, so dont blame your dentist, your pain should disappear in couple weeks, if it continues more than 2 weeks you should see neurologist
During the dental procedures, nerve damage can happen, depends upon nature of procedure, or dentist’s knowledge and skill. Sometimes damage is very severe to a main branch of nerve. On the other hand, this damage can be very minor and for very terminal accessory nerve branch. Based on the damage and damaged nerve answer to this question can be different. At the same time, the way and considering golden time for treating damaged nerve is very important for getting good result, and treating patient with minimum consequences.
Therefore, as you can see, it is very hard to tell and give a timeframe for healing processes of damaged nerve. As everyone knows, prevention of a problem is always more easily, than solving a problem after happening. Even it can cause less cost and more guaranteed right outcomes and results.
Therefore, as you can see, it is very hard to tell and give a timeframe for healing processes of damaged nerve. As everyone knows, prevention of a problem is always more easily, than solving a problem after happening. Even it can cause less cost and more guaranteed right outcomes and results.
Are you working closely with your doctor? Has anything been done that has lessened or turned off the pain? What medication lessens your pain? What was this routine procedure? Are there other people in you family that have experienced similar pain. Having pain is enough to cope with, but have you experienced other symptoms with the your pain. Is the tooth you
had the procedure on hurtling also? There may be a tooth in the area that may be the source of your pain. I am sure you had X-rays and possibly a cone beam X-ray and EVERYTHING looks okay. My first word of caution is do not demand root canal or extraction. You could do this and still have the pain. Have you seen your physician? You may have some vitamin deficiency. The last thing you want to be told is it may take some time. Your pain is real. You may be tired of telling your history of what happened and what have you done. Maybe your pain is now starting to lessen? There are other people who are experiencing similar problems.
had the procedure on hurtling also? There may be a tooth in the area that may be the source of your pain. I am sure you had X-rays and possibly a cone beam X-ray and EVERYTHING looks okay. My first word of caution is do not demand root canal or extraction. You could do this and still have the pain. Have you seen your physician? You may have some vitamin deficiency. The last thing you want to be told is it may take some time. Your pain is real. You may be tired of telling your history of what happened and what have you done. Maybe your pain is now starting to lessen? There are other people who are experiencing similar problems.