Addiction Medicine Specialist Questions Addiction Medicine Specialist

How long does it take suboxene to get out if your system to get out of your system?

I was prescribed 10 suboxone 8 ng I've taken 6 already and I'll be done the 24th. I have a job interview on the 7th they do urine tests and send them to the lab. How long will it take to get out of my system n urine? I just don't want them to think bad of me.

Female | 46 years old
Medications: Xarelto 10mg n Suboxone 8mg
Conditions: None

5 Answers

Good morning. It takes on average 72 hours from the last ingestion of a Buprenorphine product to get a negative urine drug screen. If you get the long acting injectable buprenorphine product, it can take up to 30 days to get a negative drug screen. Dr. Dixie
This is determined by your enzymes and body fat and length of exposure of taking Suboxone in hair 3 months or longer, saliva more than a week or longer and urine over 2weeks
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3 days
It can take 7-10 days if you are using sublingual. Much longer if using subcutaneous buprenorphine
Most urine screening tests do NOT test for buprenorphine, the active ingredient in Suboxone. And anyway it should be long gone by the time you have your pre-employment test. Good luck!