Pathologist Questions Pathologist

How long does it take to get chickenpox test results?

I am a 32 year old male. I want to know how long does it take to get chickenpox test results?

4 Answers

Usually takes one to three business days. A positive IgG ELISA result indicates that a person has antibodies to Varicella Zoster Virus, either in the past or vaccination. Thank you.
Usually 24 hrs.
It depends on the lab because some labs will not run a single specimen because it is too costly and they usually batch specimens and do them once per week (or when they get enough to run the tests). You can call the lab to find out about when it will be done. Once they have a result then it is sent to the doctor who ordered the test. And that doctor is supposed to give the result to the patient in a timely fashion but it doesn’t always happen like that. Sometimes patients have to remind the doctor that they have not gotten the results and the patient should receive a written copy of the results to make sure there are no mistakes in communication. I would say if you have not received the results in 10 days then I would call the doctor and demand them.
First off, chicken pox is usually diagnosed during a physical exam and no fancy testing is necessary. However, if a titer for varicella-zoster has been drawn for whatever reason. I would give it 1-2 weeks since it is usually reference labs that are out of town doing the testing. That is the only test I am aware of.

RB Thomas, MD