Surgeon Questions Abdominal hernia

How long does it take to recover after hernia surgery?

I'm going to have abdominal hernia surgery next week. How long does it take to recover after hernia surgery? Do I need to miss a lot of work?

6 Answers

It depends on the procedure. Discuss with Surgeon.
Recovery following hernia surgery, including time off work and time before resumption of “normal” activities is variable depending on the size of the hernia, the location of the hernia, whether your surgery is outpatient or inpatient, and the method of repair. In general, most patients will have strong activity restrictions for at least 2 weeks following hernia repair - limited to walking, but no running/jumping/biking etc. and with a weight restriction of typically 15-20 lbs max. Most surgeons will lighten these restrictions for weeks 3-6, allowing for some light jogging, swimming, and riding a stationary bike. Weight limits usually rise to 30-35 lbs. Most surgeons allow “full” return to unrestricted activities anywhere between 4-8 weeks.
Depends on the size of the hernia and the place of it. All surgeries require 90 days to complete a full recovery, but normally after 7 days I make my patients move. I use a corset and make them go to work, exercise after the 3 months.
I perform most of my hernia repairs with minimally invasive techniques. I typically quote patients 2 weeks of no heavy lifting (20 lbs or more) and strenuous activity. For people who work sedentary jobs, they can usually return to work within 2 weeks. For people who work manual labor, they can usually return to work within 4-6 weeks. Open hernia repairs might double the recovery time.
Time to recover from hernia surgery or any surgery will depend on you. If you smoke it will take longer if you do not do what the doctor tells you it can take longer most of the time people are o k after 4 to 6 weeks. Your doctor may put you on light duty for a few weeks. I wish you well. oledochouse
Time off from work after abdominal hernia surgery can vary. If you do not lift, pull, or push heavy objects, you may be able to return to work in 2 to three weeks with a 10 lbs lifting restriction for 6 weeks. If you lift mote than 10 lbs at your work place then you may have to use FMLA and take off 6 weeks from work.