Anesthesiologist Questions Hand Surgeon

How long does local anesthesia last?

I am a 27 year old male. My doctor suggested that I have my hand surgery under local anesthesia. How long does local anesthesia last?

9 Answers

It depends, from one hour to 8 hours and then last more. For just pain control, could be 16 hours.
Around 1.5 hours or 2 hours
That depends on which agents were used. Some can last 30 hours or more
All depends on the specific type of local anesthetic drug utilized and location of the injection and individual’s metabolism. (Local infiltration or peripherals nerve blocks.) Could be anywhere between 1 hour to 24 hours. Need to ask your surgeon for specific details.

Yi-Hwa Outerbridge, MD
It depends on the amount and type of drugs used. It can be anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hours.
Most local anesthetic, marcaine and lidocaine last 3-4 hours. Exparel lasts about 36 hours.
You’ll do great!
It depends on the medicine used for the local. Typically lidocaine last half to three hours and there are others that last several hours or more.
It depends on the medicine. Usually 6-24 hours, but you need to ask your doctor.

Harrison Solomon, M.D.
Short acting anesthetics, such as Lidocaine, last for about an hour. Longer-lasting anesthetics, such as Marcaine, can last for 12 to 24 hours. I suggest you ask your surgeon how long yours will last. Good luck!