Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How long does manic depression last?

I am a 34 year old female. I was diagnosed with manic depression. How long does manic depression last?

2 Answers

Lifetime, but can be treated.
It is a bit difficult to answer that question. First of all, it would be important to know what was meant by manic depression. The term would indicate that you have alternating manic and depressive states. If you have real manic episodes, they can require a high level of engagement from a therapist and most people end up on medication for such events. With proper
management, such episodes can be anticipated and successfully treated before they have destructive influence on a person's life. Some people are given such a diagnosis without having real manic episodes and in that case it is a matter of treating the depression. With true manic depression, you can be vulnerable to attacks for many years. But with proper treatment, that vulnerability can be managed.