“How many times should I floss?”
I recently read an article that said that too much flossing could actually be harmful for the teeth. So how many times should I floss in a week or day?
30 Answers
Flossing is not harmful to teeth. Flossing helps remove plaque stuck between the teeth and below the gum line. Flossing should be done twice a day before brushing to loosen any debris.
You should floss your teeth every night as part of your pre-bed routine, along with brushing and rinsing. You should also floss your teeth whenever food is impacted - if you feel a popcorn kernel stuck in there or if spinach if visible.
I have not heard that too much flossing can hurt teeth! Usually, once or twice a day will prevent gum infections and tooth decay.
Maxim Bondarenko
You are not trying to butcher yourself like a Sashimi chef. Also, do not neglect yourself and collect decomposition products for your personal compost. Once a day should suffice, better evenings so it's not sitting on your tissues over night. If you really want the best care for yourself, then a waterpik should be added to get rid of things otherwise missed by floss in concave areas of the tooth and root. And follow up with your check-ups.
Flossing twice a day is recommended. Flossing can be harmful, however, this is only the case if the technique is inappropriate (sawing back and forth or being too aggressive). If you have questions about technique I would recommend to ask your hygienist for demonstration.
Floss EVERY night to remove any food particles from the day and to break up any plaque that is between your teeth.
Flossing correctly will never hurt you. Flossing once per day and any time you feel food particles between your teeth would be ideal.
If flossing is done properly, you can floss after every meal if you so choose. But flossing at least once a day is recommended.
Flossing is important to maintain the oral flora of your mouth. This helps to balance the oral flora by keeping the teeth clean. It helps to avoid decay in the mouth and gum. I suggest to do it once a day, either choose a morning time or an evening time for better floss
The flossing is not harmful to your teeth or gums as long as it’s being done with proper technique. Your dentist or an oral hygienist can teach you how to do it properly. It should be done before brushing after every meal.
Daily will suffice. If you need a dentist, call the office of Dr. Brad Emery, Dr. Nicholas Emery and Dr. Carol Scuro, at 585-247-7110. Or check out our website at www.drsemeryandscuro.com.
How many times a day you should floss really depends on your specific oral care needs. For most people with good oral health and dietary habits, at least once a day is recommended. This is because studies show that bacteria damaging to your gingiva (gums) starts to develop within 24 hours of removal. Individuals with a high caries (cavity) rate (more than one within the last 6 months) should floss at least 2 to 3 times a day (after meals), followed by brushing with a fluoride toothpaste.
Dr. Grimm
Dr. Grimm
As my screensaver used to say: “You only have to floss the teeth you want to keep.” The flossing has to be directed against the teeth, not the gum. Flossing twice a day would be sufficient, but if you would like to floss after every meal, that would not harm your teeth. Using orthodontic floss would be safer and more beneficial because of softer properties. Flossing 10 times a day definitely not recommended, but as I said prior, after every meal is appropriate.
Flossing once per day is sufficient, unless one gets food particles or any debris caught during the day. It's best to floss at night before bedtime in order that the debris does not remain in your mouth overnight, which can be harmful to your gums (i.e. gingivitis), as well as causing bad taste and breath in the morning. Flossing will not harm your teeth, it is the best means to mechanically remove debris and should be a part of your daily routine. Flossing gently will not cause damage to your gums.
Flossing twice a day is fine. Most of the population does not floss at all. If you can get floss between your teeth once a day, you are doing more for your dental health than most of the population. Flossing twice a day or even three times a day will not harm your teeth.
I recommend flossing 2-3 times a day optimally(after each meal), and at a minimum, once a day at bedtime.
Inderpreet Brar
At least once daily before brushing
Once a day is sufficient to clean between your teeth and disrupt bacterial colonies.
Michael M. Blicher, DDS
Michael M. Blicher, DDS
There is a lot of noise lately about flossing. Some even suggest that there is no data supporting the benefits of flossing. Until the dust settle I would advise you to follow the “golden rule”and that is to floss one time in 24 hours that means daily.
Dr Baker
Dr Baker
Flossing is harmful if you do it incorrectly; if you are not sawing it under the gums and being rough, I could see the potential to cause trauma, but it is really silly to say it could be harmful. Flossing once per day properly and thoroughly is sufficient to maintain health. This is not medical Advice, it is just my opinion.
Flossing should be done at least once per day. If you are using proper flossing techniques, there is no such thing as "too much flossing".
I would floss a minimum of 3 times per week. That’s enough to disrupt the plaque before it causes decay or gum disease. It may not keep you from forming tartar behind your lower front teeth but it will keep it from forming everywhere else in most people.
You should floss twice a day when you brush your teeth. It can be done more. The biggest problem can be doing it properly. If not done properly or too aggressively it is possible to damage your gum tissue. You should have the hygienist or dentist demonstrate it for you
The key to using floss is to be thorough, but not overdo it. Watch a video tape online of proper technique for using dental floss and it will make perfect sense that stimulation with floss is as good as brushing, but not as good as using both in your oral hygiene regimen. Proper flossing technique once per day is all that's necessary to rid interproximal plaque from the teeth that collect between the teeth on a daily basis.