Dentist Questions Dentist

How much does it cost to get braces on the inside of your teeth?

I am a 30 year old female. I want to know how much does it cost to get braces on the inside of your teeth?

2 Answers

Easily $1000 more than on the outside since it is a much more difficult technique and requires different instruments plus a learning curve for the orthodontist to be well trained. For some in professional careers, it is worth the additional fee. Many orthodontists do not want to add this option, so you will need to find one with experience.
Lingual braces are usually more expensive than regular braces, almost close to double the cost; however, there are some new players in the market such as BRIUS for which the price of treatment is not significantly higher than regular braces. If let's say regular cost of braces are 6500, BRIUS would be priced at anything from 6500 to 7500.