Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgery

How old do you have to be to have a nose job?

I am a 17 year old female and I want to have a nose job. How old do you have to be to have a nose job?

7 Answers

Since girls mature a bit faster than boys, 16 years old is the earliest that I will perform a nose job on a young lady. So, if you are 17, you should be ready.
Good luck.
16-17 is about the youngest for a cosmetic rhinoplasty (nose job). By then, the nose is fully formed. Better to wait a couple more years. Maturity is critical in assessing when someone is OK to get a rhinoplasty.
Any age really it just depends on exactly what the situation is. Some cases may not be considered due to the anatomy of the sinus and nasal structure. This is not something that would be recommended for a child unless it was an emergent case. It is best you get in to see your ENT (Ears, Nose & Throat) Specialist so they can do a workup and see exactly what is going on and what your needs are.
In general, women should be above the age of 16 and Boys should be above the age of 18.
It is possible at your age to have a rhinoplasty, but it's important that you go to a board certified plastic surgeon by the ASPS and have your parent evaluate with you.
You have to have fully matured as an adult.
Dr M
At least 18.