OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

How soon should I see my doctor when pregnant?

I am a 24 year old pregnant female. I want to know how soon should I see my doctor when pregnant?

3 Answers

Hi! When you suspect you are about 7-8 weeks pregnant it could be helpful to get a viability ultrasound just to make sure the pregnancy looks normal. It is probably ideal if your first appointment occurs between 10-13 weeks for blood work, a first trimester ultrasound with nuchal translucency measurement. That ultrasound and bloodwork can help screen for some chromosomal anomalies like Down’s syndrome.

Congratulations on your new pregnancy! The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that you schedule an appointment with your Ob/Gyn as soon as you know you are pregnant, so you can be evaluated and have appropriate dating confirmed (determining your due date). In the practice of obstetrics, you are considered pregnant if
you have had a missed menstrual cycle and a positive home pregnancy test. If you've had both, I would recommend you contact your Ob/Gyn's office to schedule an appointment for a missed period.
Once again, congratulations!!
By 8 weeks or sooner if you are having problems.