“How successful is in vitro fertilization?”
My wife and I are considering in vitro, but I definitely don't want to go through with it if there is a significant rate of failure. What are the success rates on in vitro fertilization?
6 Answers
Chance of success really depend on why her your/her providers felt you were not able to achieve a pregnancy. While chance of success usually not high since so many of these patients have unexplained or unknown reasons for their infertility the Infertility specialist should be able to give you an honest assessment of what they think your chances of success are based on your unique situation. Most clinics should offer a free or reduced rate consult visit to at least give you an hones assessment of your situation and therefore your chances of success in their clinic. Also can/should give you some stats on their success (or lack of success) rate in patients with similar issues. I know this probably does not help much but the best I can do with the limited history information.
It really depends on your wife's age, the reasons for infertility and the clinic you are seeing. There is website published by SART (Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology) you can search specific clinic success rates. Here is a link to a calculator you can use personally. https://www.sartcorsonline.com/Predictor/Patient