Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How to heal an eye after getting sand in it?

My son had a lot of sand in his eye from the beach yesterday. It still hurts the following day. He did some eye rinses.

3 Answers

If you accidentally get sand in your eye, one thing you don’t do is rub your eye and try to remove the sand with your fingers as it may cause scratch on the surface of cornea (the clear part which covers the iris, which gives color to the eye). All you need to do is wash your eye throughly with plain water from the tap so that all the sand is out of your eye. Most of the time, that is all you need, but sometimes the sand may cause abrasions on the cornea. That will cause pain, watering of eye, and sensitivity to light. If that is the case, then you need to go to ER or an Urgent Care Center where the doctor can examine and put a dye in your eye to see if there is any abrasions. If there are abrasions, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic drops and, if needed, pain medicine and refer you to an eye doctor for follow up. But I will once again caution no matter what to not rub or try to remove sand with your fingers. Most of the time, sand in the eye itself does not cause any long-term complications 

He may have scratched his eye with the sand and rubbing. Sometimes this may need a patch for 24 hours to heal. He may need to see an eye doctor to make sure the sand is all out.
Rinse the eyelids under running water or see a doctor for review