“How to help a child with ADHD?”
I think my 6 year old son has ADHD because he has difficulty focusing and is distracted by everything. How to help a child with ADHD?
3 Answers
There are ways to evaluate this problem. About 10% of boys have this to some extent. There are medications that help very quickly. Need a doctor that has experience in treating this.
Sit near the teacher and remove as many distractions as possible. If symptoms persist, he may need testing and medication.
Visit NIH website for basic guidance on link below. There are many reasons for ADHD including, allergy, environments, behaviour. Maybe child is too smart and full of energy and classrooms teachers do not have patience or time to handle it. Consult your pediatrician who specializes in ADHD to rule out any underlying condition. Giving medications should be the last resort.