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How to help a child with scoliosis?

My 8-year-old daughter has scoliosis and doesn't want to wear her back brace. How do I talk to her about this?

3 Answers

First, you should discuss this with the physician who prescribed the brace, as he or she will have a wealth of experience dealing with these issues.

Second, you can talk with her about how wearing the brace will help make her taller, stronger, and more able to play sports and have fun because she will be able to stand up straight when her treatment is done! Plus, it’s only temporary!
This is tough If it were my child, I would try to get her to understand the consequences of not wearing the brace. Look up on Google photos of people with severe scoliosis. Show her how deformed they look, how they walk crooked, how their shoulders and hips are uneven and that eventually it leads to reduced ability to breath and heart issues. Also, show her photos of people with rods and screws in their backs because they didn't try a brace.
Good luck.

Hope it helps!!

Dr; Bose
It can be a challenge to explain the necessity of medical treatment to an 8 year old. Try to be supportive but explain to her that the brace is there to help her grow up straight. This will help her to prevent future problems.

The alternative is to take the “scare” approach and explain that if she doesn’t wear her brace, she may end up needing surgery if the curve progresses.