“Is strep throat contagious? How can it be prevented?”
My husband was recently diagnosed with strep throat. He was immediately placed on antibiotics, but it took a lot from him to go to the doctor? How contagious is strep throat? What should I do to prevent it?
2 Answers
Yes, strep throat is contagious, as are most of the common upper airway infections. Many cases of upper airway infections are viral, and self-contained. The common cold is the most common of these. Was your husband's case microbiologically verified? Many doctors think it is possible to see the difference between a viral and bacterial throat infection, but studies have shown that this is not the case. The best prevention against any infection is to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Yes, it is contagious. Easy for other people to get it.
To prevent it: always wash hands before eating or placing your hands on your face or mouth. Don't share utensils or drinks with people who are sick. The person who is sick should wear a mask and also wash their hands before working with food or touching others.
To prevent it: always wash hands before eating or placing your hands on your face or mouth. Don't share utensils or drinks with people who are sick. The person who is sick should wear a mask and also wash their hands before working with food or touching others.