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Hypomania with psychosis?

I have recently been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder type 1 and I'm trying to understand it better. Basically, I get hypomanic episodes (I'm definitely elevated but can function in social situations) but during these episodes I get psychotic symptoms (hearing voices and persecutory paranoia). Is this technically mania?

Female | 31 years old
Complaint duration: 15 years
Medications: Abilify
Conditions: Bipolar 1

5 Answers

Frequently manic symptoms comes with psychosis depends. They are two symptoms but often come hands by hands
Hypomania, by definition, does not include psychosis. If you are normal much of the time and have episodes of psychosis, it is like mixed mania and depression, as mania is usually grandiose delusions, with extreme happiness.
First take a look between mania and hypomania- see this link for some insight,,

Second - Understand psychosis features associated with bi-polar...
You likely have Bipolar I with psychosis. Schizoaffective disorder should be ruled out. A medication cocktail that involves both an anti-depressant and a mood stabilizer is indicated.

Dr. Scott T Alvord
Actually, hearing voices and persecutory paranoia are not symptoms that are typical of mania. Mania is a state where the person is engaged in frenetic activity, sometimes barely sleeping, usually involving grandiose plans, with little concerns for the feelings or needs of other people.

T. Stanton, MD