Family Practitioner Questions Upset Stomach

Why do I keep having an upset stomach?

I am 30 years old and I have been getting an upset stomach very often these days. What could be the reason for this? What are the possible tests that I should undertake to confirm if everything is normal or not?

5 Answers

There are numerous reasons for an upset stomach, from pregnancy, to reflux, gallbladder problems, anxiety, and others. I would suggest making sure your diet is free of caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol, and if that doesn't do the trick, then see your personal physician.
There are several reasons for have GI distress, ranging from stress, pregnancy, diabetes, gallstones, ulcers, etc. I recommend keeping a journal of your symptoms as they correlate to the time of day, what you ate, your stress level, location and description of your pain and take it to an appointment with your physician. That will help
narrow things down. Testing would depend on your exact symptoms, but usually will consist of a CBC, CMP, TSH, possibly H. Pylori, stool studies, and potentially an
abdominal ultrasound.
I hope you feel better soon!
Wrong foods eating at wrong times is the main cause of upset stomach plus emotional distress can aggrevate the problem. Try to avoid eating fried foods, diary products, sodas, alcohol and nuts. Avoid eating at lease 3 to 4 hrs before you sleep. Take Zantac or Pepcid if it bothers. And if it continues to bother you, need to get ultrasound to make no gallbladder disease and also endoscopy to make sure no esophageal or stomach ulcers. Also need to quit smoking. Meditation helps to relieve stress
Is it related to food consumption or is it sporadic? It could possibly be an ulcer. Could be a stomach virus. If it doesn't remit soon, I would see a provider.
Please call 972-672-4121 to discuss.