Plastic Surgeon Questions Weight loss

I lost a lot of weight very fast. What can I do with my skin?

I'm 22 and have lost 120 lbs in the past year and a half from changing my eating habits and going to the gym. But now the skin on my arms and my stomach are sagging. What can I do?

12 Answers


You need lifting for sagging skin.
First, congratulations! You have lost a whole person! In light of the amount of weight you have lost, sight unseen in all likelihood you will need to have that excess skin excised in the form of a tummy tuck and brachioplasty (arms). The scars for the most part can be hidden based on the design of the procedures.

Roger Friedman, MD
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Congratulations! After this kind of weight loss even at the young age of 22 your skin may not shrink to your liking.. Without seeing you or a photo I can only imagine your surgical needs. You probably have redundant skin on your abdomen,back thighs and arms. For abdominal and back area you will probably need a circumferential skin resection,arms may at times be managed with minimally invasive (no scars) Inmode Bodytite radiofrequency equipment or loposuction and skin resection. You may also have your thigh laxity managed with Inmode Bodytite ( skin tightened) or if needed with skin resection. To start see a plastic surgeon who is well versed with bariatric patients. Again, congratulations to you and good luck.
The first things to do during and after a massive weight loss are to eat sensibly and to exercise. You should consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to see if operations such as abdominoplasty and/or brachioplasty would be appropriate for you.
Congratulations. Frequently, weight loss patients need skin excision. Tummy tuck, breast lift, etc.
Good luck.

William A. Stefani, MD
You need a consult with a plastic surgeon to let them look at you and see what is needed. Usually tummy tucks and brachioplastys get rid of excess skin after massive weight loss.
You would probably benefit from a brachioplasty and abdominal plasty please consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area
The best option is to continue your exercise routine and eat a healthy diet. The loose skin is best treated surgically by performing an abdominoplasty and an arm lift procedure.
Thank you for your question.You are young, and I would encourage you to continue to workout, for the best chances of allowing retraction. However, often times surgical excision of the excess skin may be necessary.

Luis A. Laurentin-Perez, MD PhD.
Congratulations on the weight loss. Large amounts of skin that has lost its elasticity typically will not respond to noninvasive treatments. Most often, removing the excess skin of the arms and abdomen via a brachioplasty or abdominoplasty is required. The best thing to do is consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss the best treatment plan.
Have it removed by a plastic surgeon.
Losing 120lbs is an amazing achievement. The excess skin is now the problem and it must be removed surgically. There is no other solution. It will usually take more than one operation. A plastic surgeon who has experience with patients like you will be able to advise you how to proceed.

Good luck,

Dr. Ditesheim