Proctologist Questions Proctologist

I need help diagnosing flesh strand in rectal cavity?

Lately I have had this long thin flesh like strand in my rectum. I don't know if it is a tapeworm or something else. I'm a 19 year old male. I'm on medate and quitipene.

Male | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 4+ months
Conditions: Neurofibromatsis

4 Answers

Good morning.
I am Sorry to hear about what you are going through.
Based on your description, it is difficult to know what this fleshlike strand hanging from your rectum is without looking at it. Because many conditions can have similar presentation as you described. Anal skin tag, prolapsed internal hemorrhoids, hypethrophied internal anal papila or prolapsed rectal mucosa can all present the way you described it. You need to make an appointment to see a Colorectal Surgeon to help you narrow down to one diagnosis after examing you. Then he can profer treatment for you.
Good luck with everything.
Could be the stalk of a polyp. See a colon and rectal surgeon.
This could be an external hemorrhoid. It is important to have a thorough anorectal examination by a specialist to help diagnose the problem.
You need to be evaluated by a gastroenterologist.