Neurologist Questions Neurologist

I need to know what I have?

Hi, I think I have something wrong with me, I am 31 but I have really bad memory problems. I have what I call 'memory attacks' which is where, in a split second I can forget what I was doing, what I was looking at, what I was going to do next, I have a really bad memory but I've been having really bad migraines every day this week and last week, and my memory is shocking. I have what I call 'memory attacks' which is where I always forget things, simple things. The one I'm writing about now just happened, I was doing something and a split second later I can't remember what I was doing, I phone in my hand but I have been through everything on my phone trying to remember what I was doing but I can never remember. All the time I forget simple things, what I was doing, where I went, who I was with etc, I can't remember simple passwords, or phrases, I can't remember my childhood except for some of the dramatic parts, all the time I forget something 2 minutes after. I can't immediately remember plans I have made or places I was supposed to be, I even forgot my partner's name once not long ago and I have been with her 4 years! I get bad migraines constantly, this particular one has lasted for about 2-3 weeks, always there. I can't even remember what I was about to write next...I think I spoke to a doctor before about it but they said it was never serious enough to worry about. I'm convinced there is something wrong, I forget things easily and quickly. I have depression that has recently got worse, but not suicidal. I can feel something wrong in my head I just can't work out what. I forget passwords, names, family, friends, experiences, places I've seen, things I've done. I can't remember my childhood at all apart from when I was severely burnt at 2 years old and other bits but not whole memories just bits of memories.

Male | 31 years old
Complaint duration: gradually over 15 years
Conditions: depression

5 Answers

There may be cysts in the third ventricle that may cause hydrocephalus and memory problems with headache. Check MRI, brain.
Were you seen by your primary care doctor? Did you have blood work? If not, you need to go for a full physical, blood work, check thyroid levels, lyme, vit. D levels. If all are normal, you
need to see a neurologist, have an MRI of the brain, a sleep study, and EEG.
I strongly recommend first that your depression, quality of sleep and migraines be adequately addressed. Then, if you are no longer depressed, not having severe migraines, and sleeping 6-8 hours of rested sleep, and your memory is still impaired, have your primary care doctor send you to a neurologist.
I do not quite know what is wrong with you. Your symptoms cannot be explained by depression alone. You need to see a neurologist and undergo an MRI of the brain and an EEG. The neurologist will then advise you what needs to be done next.
Please see your primary care first then talk to your psychiatrist if you are on any psychiatric medication since that is a common cause of your symptoms. If everything is OK as far as primary care and psychiatry, then the next step is to see a neurologist to rule out seizures or headaches or other similar neurological conditions.