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I think I have lead poisoning from Turmeric capsules?

Starting late March 2019, I took Turmeric capsules for about 3 months (1 bottle of 120 capsules plus some of a second). I just got an email from Amazon, about a week ago, saying that they had been recalled. At the time I was taking them, I had several symptoms that match lead poisoning: kidney and ureter pain, black blobs in my urine, dark urine with a lot of foam, ammonia smell in my stool (a sign of liver damage), dizziness, joint pain, terrible stomach pain, metallic taste in my mouth, very bloodshot eyes, and fever. For the record, I went to the doctor 2 or 3 times while this was happening, but they didn't find anything. Of course, we didn't know about the problem with the capsules.

My urine is still very foamy all the time (it never was before this) and sometimes my heart beats fast even if I'm laying down, but the other symptoms are gone. My question is should I be worried that there still might be lead in my system and should I have a blood test done?


Male | 48 years old

2 Answers

See a Nephrologist for a complete exam
Please see a urologist next.