“Injury caused muscular strain in back. How can chiropractic rehab help?”
I had an injury while playing on my hockey team, and I strained my back from the injury. My doctor recommended chiropractic rehab to recover from my injury faster. What would be involved?
7 Answers
Your brain and nervous system function determines how quickly those tissues will heal. Chiropractic enhances brain and nervous system function which commonly speeds up healing times.
CHIROPRACTIC is the number ONE thing you can to do to get relief from your low back strain. You may need an alignment of the spine as well as your extremities. Call today to schedule your appointment!
In our office we would adjust your low back, stretch your hips and back and do electrical stimulation and moist heat to the affected area. I would also prescribe you daily home exercises to do.
Procedures in this case would be a combination of chiropractic manipulation, electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, traction and specific muscle stretching and strengthening exercises which are sometimes supervised. Of course not all of these procedures will be used at the same time. The course of treatment will utilize them at different times depending on your progress.
A usual Chiropractic treatment will involve adjustments to the spine and extremities involved, and soft tissue therapy around the injury. The Chiropractor will also give advise for home care rehab exercises. I recommend seeking a Sports Chiropractor for your injury.
Each injury presents different so the first thing to do is identify the injured muscle or tissue. Then a specific rehab plan can be implemented to therapy that injury. The benefit of seeking a doctor of chiropractic for a situation like this is that the DC can also assess your spinal mechanics and other biomechanical factors that may have predisposed you to injury in the first place.