Radiologist Questions X-Ray

Is a chest x-ray safe?

I am a 34 year old male. I will have a chest x-ray next week. Is a chest x-ray safe?

3 Answers

Yes. A dose of xray utilized on a digital xray is very low.

To put it simply, the amount of radiation from one adult chest x-ray (0.1 mSv) is about the same as 10 days of natural background radiation that we are all exposed to as part of our daily living.
A chest X-ray is a very small dose of radiation. Your doctor has to weigh the risks and benefits to order this study. A large enough dose of X-ray exposure is a known risk to cause cancer. Your risk for one chest X-ray is incredibly small.
Yes, you get more radiation flying in a commercial airline for 15 minutes, or living in Denver for one week.