Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesia

Is anesthesia necessary for cataract surgery?

I'm 60 years old, and I'll have a cataract surgery next month. Is it necessary to have anesthesia for cataract surgery? If so, how will it be administered?

5 Answers

Usually done under sedation with or without an anesthesia provider
Generally, it is often performed under MAC, monitored anesthesia care. This is light sedation.

Dr. Tripathi
It depends on your eye doctor and your overall health. If you are healthy most of doctor can do cataract surgery in their office if you have health issues than they prefer to do surgery with anesthesia so you can discuss it with your doctor if you qualify for office or surgery suites.
It's just usually local anesthesia eye drops/gel.

Steven Dain
All you need is a light sedation. You will be asked to move your eyes upon command so the phacoemulsification May be performed safely.