“Is being a social worker worth the salary?”
I am a 23 year old female. I want to know is being a social worker worth the salary?
3 Answers
Early social work positions can be low in pay, but the field can be quite lucrative. If you are good at your craft and passionate about the work, the money will come.
Having a social work masters degree can give you many different options with many different salary options. There's government jobs, school jobs, private practice jobs, advocacy positions and many more. It's was worth it for me. I love what I do. You won't get rich probably but hopefully will have job satisfaction.
Yes, it's worth it if your passion is to help people feel better. It depends on what you want to do with the social work degree and where you want to work. First step is to identify which population (i.e. age, gender, type of problems) you want to work with. I knew I wanted to be a psychotherapist, and at first I majored in psychology. Later I changed my major because social work had more options than just doing psychotherapy and at that time I thought I might want to do something different with social work degree. However, I ended up loving psychotherapy and that's what I do.