Psychiatrist Questions Bipolar Disorder

Is bipolar disorder curable?

My brother has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Is this curable?

5 Answers

It can be managed well, not cured.
There are very effective treatments to manage the target symptoms of bipolar disorder and sustain mood stabilization. Your brother must learn to manage the illness or it will manage him.
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Bipolar disorder is treatable, but at this point in time not curable. Curable means no symptoms ever again.
Left untreated, bipolar disorder tends to worsen over time. Episodes can become more severe or can begin to cycle rapidly. Treatment in the early stages of illness is more effective. Treating a first episode, early in its phase with an early intervention, improves patient outcome. Appropriate treatment can allow a person to have a meaningful, fulfilling life. Most people find that treating the symptoms of bipolar disorder requires a combination of medication, psychotherapy, and psychoeducation.

With symptoms often starting in early adulthood, bipolar disorder has been thought of traditionally as a lifelong disorder, however some young adults may eventually outgrow bipolar disorder. Nearly half of those diagnosed between the ages of 18 and 25 may outgrow the disorder by the time they reach 30. Two large, nationally representative studies reveal a strikingly high lifetime prevalence of bipolar (I+II) disorders in emerging adulthood (9% among 18–20-year-olds) that appears to later resolve substantially (1% among those over age 59).

In addition to treatment per se, education of both the individual, and their family support system is often very helpful and important, as is having a trusted, qualified doctor available to assess any changes. A regular sleep cycle, regular routines, regular meal times, and limitation of substance abuse are important mitigating factors.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for bipolar at this time. Symptoms are managed and contained through medication to help patients maintain stability.