Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Is chiropractic care effective for a herniated disc?

I am a 40-year-old female and I have a herniated disc. I want to try relieving the discomfort by seeing a chiropractor. Is chiropractic care effective for a herniated disc?

9 Answers

Yes. Most chiropractors work with and get great results with disc herniations.
Absolutely, but you need to find a practitioner who has a confidence dealing with a herniated disc. Also, depending if defragminatation occurred than probably not a good idea initially, potentially surgical, based on each individual case.
I would try chiro first for at least 6 month for 3 times a week.
Chiropractic is very effective in treating herniated discs, whether it be in the neck or low back.
Generally yes
Yes. Chiropractic is a safe, effective and natural way to alleviate pain from a herniated disc. In many cases, the disc may actually heal with continued correction of the spinal misalignment.
Chiropractors are trained to identify and treat disc herniations and will refer to the appropriate practitioner if results are not forthcoming. In most cases you can expect some relief after a few treatments.
Absolutely it is effective for discs. Chiropractic can help take care of the restricted vertebrae and we do physical therapy is combination with it to reduce pain and inflammation of disc. Look for a chiropractor who does traction or flexion distraction in particular for herniated discs. If they do cold laser, that’s a bonus as well.

Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP

In a word: YES. chiropractic care is very successful in many types of disc issues.  It has been shown in multiple studies to be safe, effective and to help control costs. 

Yes, it is, chiropractic care realigns the spine allowing the nervous system to 'fire' properly to the muscles surrounding the specific area and the entire body. Release of the muscle tension allows the body to operate appropriately and give relief of pain along with self help exercises. You should definitely see a Chiropractic Physician for an evaluation and adjustment to asses your issue.

Thank you,
Chiropractic care can be an effective method to heal a herniated disc. The extent of efficacy is dependent on the severity of the herniation. The most effective Chiropractic techniques for disc herniation are Cox Flexion/Distraction, and Sacro-Occipital Technique. Physical Therapy is another useful tool for treating herniated discs.