Psychiatrist Questions Ear pain

Is an earache a symptom of withdrawal?

I have been using certain addictive drugs and I know that my withdrawal symptoms are worse than others'. But I've never heard of someone having an earache. Are earaches ever caused by withdrawal from an addictive substance?

5 Answers

Not usually, but any chronic painful condition is going to get worse in withdrawal.
See a doctor. It is possible, but other things may also be at play.
Hi - never heard of earache being a withdrawal symptoms but at the same time I don't know what you have been using. It could be a sign of sinusitis, or ear infection especially if you were snorting drugs. I would go to an urgent care or your primary care physician to get that checked out.
Not to my knowledge. 
Not if only one ear hurts, but possibly yes, if you hurt on both sides. Sometimes (depending upon the drug), you can get jaw joint pain because you're clenching and grinding your teeth. You can tell this is the case if opening your mouth fully (wide enough to insert three fingers one above the other) causes pain. If you can't hear it when you rub your fingers together just outside your ear, or if it's painful when you tug on your earlobe, you should see a physician.