“Is Ebola a threat again?”
I thought I heard Ebola in the news again recently, but not a lot of people are talking about it. Is Ebola a threat in Africa again?
1 Answer
Florin Paul
Queens, New York
Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) stays as a silent and present threat in Africa. There are "endemic areas" (where there is the natural habitat of the virus) like Congo, but the pathogen/infection and the disease can be spread/exported and or imported by any person who have a direct contact with a EVD infected and/or sick person. At the international level there is a huge effort to develop a vaccine and to implement the basics and required protection measures to stop/avoid/control the spread of fis very deadly disease. Shortly Ebola is still a real and present threat in some areas of Africa. You can keep you updated by accessing CDC website.
Good luck and stay safe,
Dr. Florin PAUL
Good luck and stay safe,
Dr. Florin PAUL